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Welcome to the Sensory Corner Blog

     I am so glad that you are here! We have been through a lot in the last 7 years- a complicated pregnancy, a crazy delivery, many surgeries, struggles in school, behavior disorder diagnoses, continuous therapies, and trying everything we possibly could to get through the days.  Luckily we have made it through and have learned so much during our journey! It is my hope that by sharing our experiences, tips, tricks, and information, I can achieve a lot. 









      I wish to share information on many different medical procedures, disorders, birth defects, behavior disorders, mental disorders, and more.  It is my hope that I can educate a parent who has a child that was just diagnosed or they suspect they may fit the diagnosis.  The more you understand about your child, how their brain works, and what they are experiencing, the better you can figure out a plan to help and to understand why they act as they do.  For medical procedures, I know that the stress of having your child in the hospital is more than enough for a parent to handle.  Giving the information on the procedure in a parent friendly way and sharing what to expect will take that load off of their shoulders so they can just focus on their child.  Also, let's face it, doctors can explain things and it can get confusing and overwhelming with how they explain things. Not only that, but when you first get your child's diagnosis, your brain is overloaded.  It is very hard to absorb any information provided to you after you get that that diagnosis.  For me, it felt like a was in a tunnel and nothing made sense to me.  I  had to talk to the doctor a few days later to get the information I needed.  Dr. Google is not your friend as well.  I have found that out the hard way.  I am hoping that you can find all of your information in one place without needing to Google a lot of individual items, only to come across things that would cause you more stress and cause more questions.  

  It is also my hope that I can provide videos for parents to share with family and friends to help explain what their child is going through.  There are so many times that I have heard of family or friends who do not understand a child with different needs.  Either they are in denial or they do not believe in the diagnosis, but they believe the child is just being a kid or will grow out of it.   This not only hurts the child by showing you do not want to understand what they are going through to better interact with him or her, but it is also hurtful to the parent or caregiver, because it is implying that they did something wrong to cause their child to act this way.  When I am discussing these videos, I am referring to children with behavior disorders or disorders of the brain that cause a change in behavior.  Many times I have heard of this being a result of them just not understanding what is going on or the lack of background knowledge on the subject.  By providing information to them about how his brain works, I hope to  educate them in order to understand better.  These could also be used for family that wants to know more in order to interact and understand your child better!

      Another goal of this blog is to share my emotions, my experiences and more in a  brutally honest way.  I want to share how I felt and what was going through my mind at the time.  So many times, I see parents embarrassed because they feel a certain way when they are in a situation.  I want you to know that it is normal to have these emotions, that is is okay to have these feelings, and how to deal with them.  I also hope to share things that families and friends can do to support a parent in your situation.  So many times people around you just do not know what to say or do to help.  I would like to provide those resources for you to have support that you will need. 

     In our blog, I will to share tips and tricks to help manage the days and behavior of children with ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder, Autism, and Oppositional Defiant Disorder.  Many of these tips can be used for all children and would be beneficial to all parents.  If I find something that is helpful, I want to pass it on!​  I also hope to have some guest writers to share their experiences as a grandparent, a teacher, or friend of a family with special needs. 

     In addition, I want to provide quick, easy, and cheap sensory DIY projects.  Many people believe that sensory products have to be bought in stores or online. They do not know that they can make their own for a small price.  It is my goal to provide these ideas for anyone to be able to recreate.  These ideas can be used for young children, preschools, teachers, occupational therapists, special education teachers, and children that struggle with sensory processing.

I hope that we are able to help you through our blog and Youtube channel! Check out our Youtube Channel- The Sensory Corner- for detailed videos that contain the information from our blog! 

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